I had a very productive weekend! I was busy making thank-you gifts for the teachers I work most closely with.
It has been a tough year for everyone at the school, and I have had many hard days growing accustomed to being a full-time teacher. I wanted to thank everyone on my team that has given me support this year. I had seen a picture of cute decorated clipboards online somewhere, so I decided to make some for my colleagues.
Decorated Clipboards DIY
You will need:
- a clipboard (any size, I prefer the wooden ones over plastic)
- foam brushes
- scrapbook paper (try and find two-sided, so you automatically have two coordinating patterns)
- Mod Podge Matte adhesive (found at craft stores)
- pencil
- plain paper
- scissors
- cable ties (optional)
- rounded corner punch (optional)
1. First, I used a cable tie to secure the clip open, so it was easier to work around the hardware. Otherwise, you'll have to hold the clip open every time you glue or adjust the paper around the hardware.
2. Next, used white paper and a pencil to make a template of where the scrapbook paper should fit around the clip hardware. I'll admit it took a lot of playing around, but I finally got a template that worked (thanks, Dad!).

3. Use your template to trace the cutout shape onto your scrapbook paper.
4. Cut out the paper and make sure it fits around the clip hardware. Trim your paper to the width of your clipboard. I did not make my paper the whole length of the clipboard... I used a coordinating paper for the bottom. Cut your coordinating paper to the correct width and length.
5. To be extra fancy, you can use a rounded corner punch to make the corners match that of the clipboard. You can also do this by hand if you do not have a corner punch.
After cutting your papers, lay them onto the clipboard exactly the way you want them to look. Now is the time to do any trimming (before you glue).
6. Now it is time to glue. Using the foam brush, apply some Mod Podge to the clipboard. I started with the bottom coordinating paper, before moving around the clip hardware. I used an old credit card to smooth out any air bubbles.
(Do not worry about being super neat with the gluing. The Mod Podge dries clear, and you will end up putting a top coat on. So if you get a little messy, it's okay!)
7. Work slowly and carefully. For around the clip, I first put glue directly on the clipboard, and then laid my paper on top. I glued small areas at a time, and smoothed out air bubbles as I went.
Occasionally, my paper would not lay nicely against the hardware, so I used a craft knife to trim the paper closer to the clip.
8. Once you have glued and smoothed your paper, apply a generous layer of Mod Podge to seal the clipboard. Make sure to get the edges and corners well-glued!
Once your clipboard is completely dry, cut the cable tie (watch your fingers!) and enjoy your new fancy-shmancy clipboard! You will be the envy of your office place!
What are you doing to say "Thank you" to the people you work with?
Until next time,
-Miss Woodward
Ellie! I just saw on Facebook that you have a blog. :) I do too! :) I made mine about a month ago but haven't posted until just the other day. I don't see an option for me to follow you though!? We can be blogger friends! :)
Adventures in Room 204
I loved the clipboard you gave to Tru. They're so cute. I bought scrapbook paper today. I'm so excited to make them. Thanks for the great idea!
Diary of a Grumpy Teacher
Hi! I love the clipboards! Would you be so kind and share the template with me so I can make some of them too?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone tried this... instead of a top coat of Mod Podge, a clear acrylic spray? I only ask because I live in high humidity and my mod podged clipboard has gotten attached to it's papers , from the moisture in the air.